My name is Sadie! I am first and foremost a follower of Jesus, but also wifey to my husband Owen, and a homeschooling Mama to 5 kiddos! I’m a lover of coffee in all flavors and styles, almost matching the love I have for my husband and kids 😉 When I’m not tending to the day-to-day tasks of our aspiring homestead life, I can be found in my kitchen cooking or baking something delicious, or sitting at my desk working on my latest writing or curriculum project, sipping my coffee or hot tea.

I grew up in eastern Pennsylvania, then moved to the Upstate of South Carolina in 2009 with my parents and 8 of my 9 siblings. Yes, you read that right…9 siblings! Growing up in a big family was such an awesome learning experience for me from so many facets. My parents worked hard to teach my siblings and I about being team players, strong work ethic, the importance of family, compassion for others, managing a home and large family(although mine’s just a “starter” family in comparison:) ) and one of the most important lessons to me: how to view any “defeat” in life as a valuable lesson, and get back up in the saddle!

I was homeschooled my entire childhood, right up through high school, where I graduated as Salutatorian through a private academy at the age of 14. I went on to pursue several years of employment at this academy until I moved, and learned a lot about the administrative side of the homeschool world. I have been able to carry that knowledge into my adult life as I raise my own children, and also connect with other homeschool Mamas along the way as we share wisdom with each other!

I became a Mama in 2015, and my life has never been the same! Motherhood has completely changed my outlook on life, and has taught me countless lessons on love, sacrifice, and hard work like nothing else will! I experienced a difficult divorce in 2021 from my ex-husband, and although it was rough on the kids and I, it has opened up amazing opportunities to teach my kids about the love and faithfulness of Jesus, and the humbling blessing of second chances! These kiddos have been the reason I get up in the morning, the reason for most of the decisions I make in life, and also very possibly the reason I’m getting grey hair! 😉 Their innocent view of life and the world around them is refreshing to see as a Mama, and often humbling at times!

Going through my divorce in 2021 led me to start a small business as a means to provide for my children and I. What started as a small bakery, providing delicious cookies, muffins, and other baked treats for family + friends quickly turned into something bigger as I started offering weekly meal preps, catering events, and even teaching classes! The Lord has opened many doors of opportunity in this endeavor, and has been so faithful to bless my family! I stand amazed at His goodness for always providing a way for us!

I met my husband Owen in 2022, and he has been such a blessing to the kids and I. He shares a strong love for the Lord, loves all my kiddos like they’re his own, and goes above and beyond to show how much he loves us everyday! We got married in May 2024, and started a new chapter of family life here in our home, learning how to live and love, not push each other’s buttons, and always working on homesteading projects and the like. We experienced the loss of our unborn son, Noah James, in August. We have never felt such a devastation, and yet never felt the peace of God so strongly either. His ways are always above ours, and we can rest securely in the knowledge that we will hold our precious baby again one day!

My goal for publishing this blog is to share life lessons, wisdom + advice, share some of my favorite recipes, tell you all about the best products, tips, and tricks of motherhood, and so much more! I pray you will find lots of laughter and encouragement, and perhaps I can help make your motherhood journey just a little less crazy! So thankful you’re here! Feel free to drop me a message here and let me know what type of content you’re looking for!  You can also find me on social media!